My Name is Chris. I write Kim Possible adult fan fiction on Fanfiction.net. My 1st story - Cheer Fight is on TeaseComix. Follow my blog HERE: https://chrispalmerx.blogspot.com/

Chris @ChrisPalmerX

Age 34, Male


Scraton, PA

Joined on 7/13/18

Exp Points:
2,127 / 2,180
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5.64 votes
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> 100,000
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ChrisPalmerX's News

Posted by ChrisPalmerX - November 6th, 2024

I don't vote....if you're vote truly mattered, it would be outlawed.

Is it just me or does something about this election smell fishy?

A Trump win doesn't make any sense. He's hated! He's an idiot. He's a raciest peace of crap. Harris' rally's had big crowds where Trump's rally's had a lot of empty seats.

He's a criminal but not sentenced until AFTER the election? He lies all the time.

It's as if he KNEW he would win.

I'm sure most of America isn't stupid enough to vote for him...Again!

It's as if someone higher up said, "Let's make sure January 6th doesn't happen again. We don't want a civil war."

This is why I don't vote. SOMEONE made sure he would win and it wasn't the voters.

The 'People's vote' doesn't mean shit!



Posted by ChrisPalmerX - March 12th, 2024

This is one of those pics where I don't know for sure if it's too hot for Facebook or not. It shouldn't be. They're NOT naked!

But just in case...here you go....

Follow the artist on DeviantArt HERE: https://www.deviantart.com/neetaiweeb






Posted by ChrisPalmerX - March 5th, 2024

This following are still / screen shots.

They are from Litty In The City - San Diego Sat. Match 2.

YES...this is how much oil they used!


Now for the ACTION...




Like I said...screenshots.

As soon I see a long form video, I'll post it.




Posted by ChrisPalmerX - February 17th, 2024

Well, here I go again.

As a writer, sometimes I can't get an idea out of my head.

First, do you remember my story Cheer Fight?

(My story idea is below this pic)


Cheer Fight is my most popular story.

A year later I wrote another one called Breaking A Spy.

(Keep reading below the pic.)


My NEW idea is a combination of both of those stories.

I have this idea bubbling in my brain where someone (Like Kim Possible) is captured and she's 'tortured' by placing her on a sybren in front of a glory hole. The torture gets worse and worse as things are added because this person is tough and very resilient.

For example, first she's just her sitting on the sybren, hands tied behind her back and in front of a glory hole. Someone 'forces' her to sock the cock through the hole. She doesn't talk so then they add an "O" ring gag in her mouth. After sucking more cock, this woman still gives them nothing. Then they add electric wires to her nipples, (nipple clamps) still nothing! Then they add a head strap to this girl so the person on the other side of wall can control everything. How fast it goes, how slow it goes, when it stops (when he comes) and more.

After all that, she still doesn't talk.

My problem is, there's no actual story yet. It's just an idea.

Like, do I make this another Kim Possible story. Do I put Bonnie in it too? Do I make it part of the Cheer Fight world? (That story came to an end so I don't really want to add to it.)

If this is a NEW story, is Kim rescuing someone? Is Shego involved? I don't like writing something I've already done before (or has been done before) but what if Kim goes to rescue Bonnie. She can't stand the stuck up bitch but she's not going to let Shego do bad things to her. Shego captures Kim, tortures her. Kim finds Bonnie and they escape.

Maye call it - Operation: Rescue Bonnie.

But then where's Ron?

My point is, I have the torture idea but I don't have an actual story yet. A torture idea I've done before but it's a little different. Any ideas?

Finally, after my Bonnie Lost A Bet story I thought I was done writing sex stories.

But, I can't seem to get them out of my mind.

Help! LOL




Posted by ChrisPalmerX - December 11th, 2023

I recently found a video on YouTube of female oil wrestling. This is probably one of the best oil wrestling shows (for the public) I've seen in a long time. It was an "after party" oil wrestling contest where the girls could win $1000!

They must have used 10 flippin gallons of oil. It was sloppy, messy, aggressive, and sexy too.

Check it out.

Here's The Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQBATcn6VVs&lc=UgyqF7Xe7fC8YhPAsB54AaABAg.9y8Z_Ay3hnt9y9PZ9bR-2b

Here are some stills...Enjoy!








Posted by ChrisPalmerX - March 27th, 2023

I see I just passed 500 followers here on NewGrounds.

Thank you!




Posted by ChrisPalmerX - February 18th, 2023

I'm taking another break from social media. I am by NO MEANS gone for good - I'm just taking some time away from social media. Be back next month on St. Patrick's Day.



Posted by ChrisPalmerX - February 3rd, 2023

If you support the LGBT community then share this. If I see any of my 'friends' using the word 'woke' because they hate gay people, I'm unfriending. I don't want to be connected with haters!



Posted by ChrisPalmerX - December 21st, 2022

First...I'm trying to not look or read porn as much as I used to. For a while there I was cranking one out about once or twice a day. I'm down to 3 - 4 times a week now. lol

Anyway, even though I'm trying to cut back sometimes when a story idea hits me I have to write it down and get to it later.

My newest idea is a cheer leading hazing idea. So far I'm calling it - Haze Her. (that title might change.)


It goes like this.

Kim, Bonnie & Tara are cheer leaders in a local college. A new girl comes in. She's bossy, bratty, and needs to be taken down a peg or two. So the 3 girls decide to "haze her." They tie her down to a bench in the locker room. Bonnie sits on her face while Kim fucks her with a dildo.

Maybe the'll have all the football players take a turn too. I don't know...

For now, it's just an idea. No strong details yet. Heck, it might form into a story and then again...it might not. I don't really know how to end it yet. Right now it's just 3 cheer leaders that we know hazing a new cheer leader.

What do you think? A ideas on where it can go from here?



Posted by ChrisPalmerX - December 5th, 2022

I was kicked off Twitter a few years ago so I only use 3 networks now. FB, NeweGrounds and now...Mastodon.

Follow me on Mastodon HERE: https://mastodon.social/@chrispalmerx

